Essential Steps of Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning

Essential Steps of Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning

What is Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning?

Data preprocessing is a crucial step in machine learning that involves evaluating, filtering, manipulating, and encoding data to ensure that machine learning (ML) algorithms can effectively understand and use it. The primary goal of data preprocessing is to eliminate issues such as missing values, enhance data quality, and improve the usability of the dataset for machine learning models. In essence, data preprocessing provides ML algorithms with the necessary foundation to work, enabling them to build accurate models.

Whether you’re building machine learning models for facial recognition, product recommendations, healthcare systems, or email automation, having clean, accurate data is essential. Data preprocessing ensures that your data is in its best form for ML algorithms to learn and make precise predictions. Let’s break down the seven key steps in data preprocessing for machine learning.

Steps in Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning

Dataset Acquisition

Dataset acquisition is the first and one of the most crucial steps in data preprocessing. The quality and relevance of the dataset directly impact the performance and accuracy of the machine learning model.

Importance of Dataset Quality

A high-quality dataset leads to more accurate predictions and better model performance.

Poor quality data, such as data that is noisy, incomplete, or irrelevant, can negatively affect model accuracy and outcomes.

Sources of Datasets


Common sources include SQL databases, NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB), and cloud-based data warehouses.


IoT devices, medical instruments, and other sensors often provide real-time data that can be used for predictive modeling.

External Files 

Data can be obtained from CSV, Excel files, or other structured and unstructured data formats.

APIs and Web Scraping 

Data can also be acquired through APIs from online sources or web scraping techniques.

Data Relevance and Completeness

The dataset must be relevant to the problem domain and comprehensive enough to cover all necessary aspects of the analysis.

Data should be free from significant errors, inconsistencies, and missing values to ensure reliable outcomes.

Importing Libraries

Once the dataset is acquired, the next step is to import the necessary libraries, which simplify and automate various tasks in the data preprocessing pipeline.

Purpose of Libraries in Data Preprocessing

Libraries provide pre-built functions that facilitate data manipulation, transformation, and analysis.

They reduce the time and effort required to code complex preprocessing tasks manually.

Popular Libraries for Data Preprocessing


 Used for data manipulation and analysis. It provides data structures like DataFrames, which allow easy handling of structured data.


 Provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with mathematical functions to operate on them.


 Contains simple and efficient tools for data mining, data analysis, and machine learning modeling, including preprocessing methods.

Matplotlib and Seaborn

 Used for data visualization, which helps in understanding data patterns and distributions.

Dataset Importing

After importing the libraries, the dataset is loaded into the working environment for further processing. This step is essential to ensure that data is accessible for analysis.

Loading the Data
Use functions like pd.read_csv(), pd.read_excel(), or np.load() to load datasets into the environment.

The choice of function depends on the data format (CSV, Excel, JSON, etc.).

Checking for Data Integrity


 Identify and correct noisy data that the machine cannot interpret correctly.

Missing Values

 Check for missing values, as incomplete data can significantly impact model performance.


 Identify and remove duplicate entries to ensure data uniqueness.

Handling Missing Values

Missing data can disrupt the analysis and lead to inaccurate predictions, making it critical to address missing values effectively.

Causes of Missing Values

Data entry errors, sensor failures, or loss during data collection can result in missing values.

Different data sources may have different formats, leading to gaps when merging datasets.

Strategies for Handling Missing Values


Remove rows or columns containing missing values if the missing data is negligible. This method is less favored if data is scarce.


 Replace missing values with statistical estimates such as the mean, median, or mode of the column.

Advanced Imputation Techniques

 Methods like K-nearest neighbors (KNN) imputation or regression imputation can predict missing values based on other available data.

Data Encoding

Machine learning models require numerical data. Data encoding converts categorical and text-based data into numerical format, making it suitable for modeling.

Categorical Data Types

Nominal Data

 Categories without an inherent order (e.g., colors, names).

Ordinal Data

 Categories with a specific order but without a defined numerical difference between them (e.g., ratings like “Good,” “Better,” “Best”).

Encoding Techniques

Label Encoding

 Converts categories into integer values. However, it introduces an ordinal relationship which may not always be desirable.

One-Hot Encoding

 Converts categorical variables into binary vectors, ensuring no ordinal relationships are implied between categories.

Binary Encoding

 A combination of label and one-hot encoding, often used to handle high-cardinality features efficiently.


Scaling involves adjusting the numerical values of data features to fall within a specified range, preventing the model from being biased towards certain features with larger scales.

Importance of Scaling

Features with larger ranges can dominate the learning process, skewing the model’s performance.

Scaling helps ensure all features contribute equally, improving model convergence and accuracy.

Scaling Techniques

Standardization (Z-score normalization): Centers the data by subtracting the mean and scaling to unit variance, resulting in a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Min-Max Scaling

 Rescales data to fit within a specified range, usually [0, 1], preserving the original data distribution but adjusting the range.

Robust Scaling

 Uses the median and interquartile range, making it less sensitive to outliers compared to other scaling methods.

Dataset Distribution

Properly splitting the dataset into training, evaluation, and validation sets ensures the model is both well-trained and generalizes effectively to unseen data.

Types of Dataset Splits

Training Set

 Used to train the model. Typically comprises 60-80% of the total data.

Validation Set

 Used to fine-tune model parameters and prevent overfitting. It typically makes up 10-20% of the data.

Test Set

 Used for the final evaluation of model performance on unseen data, typically comprising 10-20% of the data.

Importance of Proper Distribution

Ensures the model can generalize well to new data and is not just memorizing the training data.

Helps identify overfitting or underfitting issues and adjust the model accordingly.

Techniques for Splitting Data

Random Split 

Randomly shuffles and splits the data into different subsets.

Stratified Split 

Ensures that the proportion of each class is preserved in each subset, particularly useful for imbalanced datasets.

These detailed steps ensure that data is properly prepared and optimized for machine learning, leading to more accurate and reliable models.

Data preprocessing is a foundational step in the machine learning process. It transforms raw data into a format that machine learning algorithms can efficiently process and analyze. The steps outlined above from dataset acquisition to dataset distribution ensure that the data used for machine learning is clean, accurate, and reliable.

In the growing field of machine learning, professionals must be adept at data preprocessing to build robust models that deliver accurate results. If you’re looking to enhance your skills in machine learning, our machine learning course in Pune offers an in-depth curriculum, hands-on practical exposure, and placement assistance to help you succeed in this dynamic field. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this course will help you master the art of data preprocessing and other essential machine learning techniques.

Call us at +91 9561444257 to learn more about our machine learning course in Pune and take the first step toward building a successful career in this exciting industry.